If you use property portals to search for you new, dream home, then you’re not alone. In fact almost everyone searches for property this way. Have you ever found a property that meets your EXACT criteria, only to see that someone has got there first and it is sold? You need to get ahead of the game and stand out from the crowd.
Ever missed out on the perfect property just because you heard about it too late, or the agent never told you about it as it was slightly outside of your criteria? With demand high and supply limited, gaining an advantage on your fellow househunters has never been so important if you want to buy your ideal home.
When most agents have a new property to market, they simply upload it to the portals and wait for enquiries to start rolling in. It’s a bit like the old Boxing Day sales, the doors open and it’s a free for all, and because you’re not at the front of the queue, you miss out on that half price coat you’ve had your eye on for weeks.
At Cope & Co, we do things a little differently using our Heads Up Property Alerts.
When you register with us and complete a detailed buyer profile, we instantly alert you to any property that matches your criteria. We even include ones that are a close match… just in case they are of interest.
Our new properties then go onto the portals a full 48 hours later so you get the heads up on ALL NEW PROPERTIES.
Think of it like a film premiere or being on the VIP list so you can simply skip the queue giving you priority access before those who haven’t registered their details.
With properties in short supply and lots of people searching, our Heads Up property alerts get YOU ahead of the game.
It’s not just househunters that benefit… this is fantastic for those wanting to sell too. When a new property goes on the market with us, the first group of people to see it are genuine, motivated buyers who have taken the time to register their specific requirements with us.
When you look at our current list of available properties, on the face of it, it doesn’t make for great reading for someone trying to decide which agent to use to sell their home. However, when you include the Sold Subject to Contract button to include these properties in the search, the numbers increase significantly – this is because we are selling properties quicker than ever and over half of the properties sold have been sold to buyers who didn’t come from the property portals.
Click REGISTER HERE get set up for our Heads Up Property Alerts today.